Item Coversheet
AGENDA - September 14, 2017

4.5  Approve a Three Year Extension to the Agreement between the Coronado Unified School District and the Coronado Arts Education Foundation (formerly known as the Coronado School of the Arts Foundation) for Naming Rights of Selected Facilities  (Action)

Background Information:

Per BP 7310, the Governing Board may grant to any person or entity the right to name any district building or facility. Since May 2007, the Governing Board has entered into 2 five year agreements with the Coronado School of the Arts (CoSA) Foundation for the naming rights of the Visual and Performing Arts Center at Coronado High School.  The Coronado Arts Education Foundation seeks a renewal of this agreement for three years.


The agreement is aligned with and subject to all applicable district policies including but not limited to BP 7310.


If approved, the Agreement will allow the Coronado Arts Education Foundation to seek individuals and/or foundations who may wish to donate significant funding to CoSA and arts education and, in return, have their name associated with the CoSA Program at Coronado High School. The CoSA Program has been in existence since 1996 and the Foundation has successfully raised funds used to support and enhance the program during those years. The members of the Foundation want to ensure that the CoSA Program will maintain and improve arts education programs for the students of Coronado High School.

Financial Impact:

The financial impact will be positive. However, the amount is unknown at the present.

Superintendent's Recommendation:

That the Board Approve a three year extension to the Agreement between the Coronado Unified School District and the Coronado Arts Education Foundation for naming rights of selected facilities. 




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Naming Rights Agreement for the Visual & Performing Art Center at Coronado High School9/7/2017Cover Memo2017-9-14_Naming_Rights_CHS_Theatre.pdf