Item Coversheet
AGENDA - September 10, 2020



5.4  Adopt the GANN Limit Resolution 20-09-03  (Action)

Background Information:

In November 1979, Proposition 4 was adopted which “established constitutional limits on the allowable growth in state and local government spending. These appropriations limits, popularly called Gann limits, allow government spending to grow at a rate no faster than inflation and the change in population.” (reference: 1993 Edition of Revenues and Limit, a Guide to School Finance in California by Paul Goldfinger, School Services of California, Inc.)


Education Code sections 1629 and 42132 specify that governing boards of school districts and county offices shall adopt a resolution to calculate the actual appropriations from the prior fiscal year and estimate the appropriation for the current fiscal year.

For reporting purposes only.  If the 2019-20 “Total Appropriations Subject to the Limit” exceeds the “Preliminary Appropriations Limit,” then a transfer of limit authority to the District from the state would be needed.  The transfer does not need to occur.
Financial Impact:
There is no financial impact as a result of this item.

Superintendent's Recommendation:

That the Governing Board approve the attached Gann Limit Resolution




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GANN Resolution 20-09-039/2/2020Cover MemoGann_Limit_Resolution_20-09-03.pdf