Item Coversheet
AGENDA - August 13, 2020

8.1  Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan 

Background Information:

Senate Bill 98 removes the requirement for the LCAP for the 2020-21 school year and establishes the Learning Continuity Plan. This plan seeks to address funding stability for schools while providing information at the LEA level for how student learning continuity will be addressed during the COVID-19 crisis in the 2020-2021 school year.  It is intended to balance the needs of all stakeholders, including educators, parents, students and community members. The Learning Continuity Plan template memorializes the planning process already underway for the 2020-2021 school year which includes descriptions of the following:

  • Addressing gaps in learning
  • Conducting meaningful stakeholder engagement
  • Maintaining transparency
  • Addressing the needs of unduplicated pupils, students with unique needs, and students experiencing homelessness
  • Providing access to necessary devices and connectivity for distance learning
  • Providing resources and supports to address student and staff mental health and social emotional well-being
  • Continuing to provide school meals for students

The CUSD Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan is attached.
LEARNING: Integrate personalized learning with assessment methods that will prepare all students for academic and vocational success:
1. Standards Aligned Core Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction, 2. ELL Performance, 3. Math Performance, 4. Personalized Learning, 5. 21st Century Learning Tools, 6. Professional Development for Staff, 7. Grading and Reporting System, 8. Develop/Implement High Quality Grading and Reporting System

COMMUNICATION: Communicate openly, freely and accurately to engage and involve all shareholders:

1. Shareholder Participation, 2. Service to Sites, 3. Informative Communication to the CUSD Community

SUPPORT:  Maintain safe and supportive schools where students and staff thrive:

1. Safe and Clean Facilities, 2. Annually Update Safety Plans, 3. Intervention Services , 4. EL and RFEP College and Career Ready, 5. Improve Attendance, 6. Decrease Suspension Rate at CMS and CHS, 7. Social/Emotional Supports
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2020 CUSD Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan8/10/2020Cover Memo2020_CUSD_Learing_Continuity_and_Attendance_Plan.pdf