Item Coversheet
AGENDA - April 18, 2019



5.1  Present the Coronado Unified School District’s Sunshine Proposal and the California School Employees Association, Chapter #386 Sunshine Proposal for Negotiations pursuant to Article XX of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. 

Background Information:

Government Code Section 3547, in part, requires that bargaining proposals of the District and its employee unions be presented in public session during a Board meeting and that they are thereafter public records. The public has the opportunity to express itself regarding the proposals at a meeting of the public school employer, and the public employer shall, at a meeting which is open to the public, hold a hearing regarding initial proposals of exclusive representatives and of public school employers, which relate to matters within the scope of representation. The Board will now hear public comment on these proposals as sunshined by the Coronado Unified School District and the California School Employees Association, Chapter #386.


Article 20.2 states that, “For the 2018-19 and the 2019-20 school years, the District and CSEA shall have the right to reopen the articles of the Agreement on salary and benefits.  Also, each party shall have the right to reopen two additional articles.”


The Coronado Unified School District proposes negotiation of the following Articles and subjects:

  •  Article 8 and related appendices:  Employee Benefits.  The District will propose revisions to the current benefit offerings and eligibility requirements.
  •  Article 9 and related appendices:  Salary.  The District will propose adjustments to the salary schedule. 
  •  Article 13: Evaluation Procedures.  The District will propose revisions to the evaluation language regarding timelines and processes.


The California School Employees Association, Chapter #386 proposes negotiation of the following Articles and subjects:

  •  Article 9: Wages:  CSEA proposes to negotiate a fair and equitable increase to the current salary schedule.
  •  Article 16: Association Rights:   CSEA proposes to add language to include the right to negotiate the District calendar and add Appendix to include work calendar days for each job family. 
  • 3 additional workdays at the beginning of the school year for School Day Only, Food Service Leads and Child Nutrition Staff employees and give those same employees the option to work on the non-student, teacher work days during the school year.
  •  Article 17: Promotion Procedures/Reclassification:  CSEA proposes new reclassification language that include processes and timelines.
Financial Impact:

There is no immediate financial impact at this time.  Upon reaching a tentative agreement, the financial impacts of negotiations will be presented with the required AB1200 disclosures for Board consideration.

Superintendent's Recommendation:

That the Board present the sunshine proposals and hear public comment, if any.



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