Item Coversheet
AGENDA - December 13, 2018



9.4  Call for Nominations for CSBA Delegate Assembly  (Action)

Background Information:

Each year, member boards elect representatives to the California School Boards Association's Delegate Assembly. The Delegate Assembly is a vital link in the Association's governance and sets the general policy direction. Working with member boards, the Board of Directors, and Executive Committee, Delegates ensure that the Association promotes the interests of California's school districts and county offices of education.


Nomination and candidate biographical sketch forms for CSBA's Delegate Assembly are now being accepted until Monday, January 7, 2019.  


Elected Delegates serve a two-year term beginning April 1, 2019 through March 31, 2021. There are two required Delegate Assembly meetings each year. In 2019, the dates are May 18-19 in Sacramento and November 4-5 in San Diego. 

Board of Trustees to consider whether it wishes to nominate representatives to fill vacancies in the CSBA's Delegate Assembly.