Item Coversheet
AGENDA - December 13, 2018

8.5  Superintendent's Report: Long Range Plan Update  (Reports)

Background Information:

The Superintendent will provide ongoing updates and progress to the Governing Board regarding objectives identified in the Long Range Plan.


1.2: Identify top researched-based instructional practices, models, programs, and resources, and provide comprehensive report to the Governing Board.

Mr. Schmeichel has formed a ‘alternate bell schedule’ committee at Coronado High School to research schools in neighboring districts with different bell schedules (traditional, block, 4x4, trimester, etc.) to examine potential changes to scheduling at CHS. The committee is comprised of teacher representatives from each academic and enrichment / elective subject area.

Dr. Battle and the Learning Department met with CUSD Elementary principals to discuss a comprehensive review of our existing bell schedule, grade level instructional minutes, and curriculum adoptions. The team is looking at neighboring districts and programs for comparison data. A committee of educators and parents from our elementary sites will examine potential adjustments to existing structures during the Spring.

2.1: Create a budget plan which demonstrates a reserve spend-down (in  anticipation of reaching ‘Basic Aid’ status) ensuring student access to programs, resources, and curricula aligned with CUSD Mission Statement.

Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Salamanca, to present to CUSD Governing Board on Thursday, December 13, 2018.

2.3: Create a user-friendly budget document which promotes transparency and accessibility to those within our shared community.

12/19/18 CUSD Budget ‘at a glance’ document posted on CUSD website.  

2.2: Produce a budget plan which deliberately prioritizes student achievement, the ability to recruit and retain highly qualified staff, and enrichment / intervention programs aligned with CUSD Mission Statement.

12/13/18 Presented to the Board for Approval the Retirement Notice Stipend.

3.1: District office staff and departments will provide timely and efficient service to CUSD  school sites, measured by clearly defined metrics for accountability and resource allocation.

Staff will release an RFP (Request for Proposals) to obtain bids for roof replacement of the athletic complex and the turf replacement at Neidermeyer field - both at CHS.  We expect to bring an action forward in the February or March Board meeting to award the bid and schedule work to commence in the summer of 2019.

3.2: Strengthen programs and expand resources which support the physical and emotional health of CUSD staff and students.

The Coronado Unified School District Safety Committee met on Tuesday, December 4th, to provide updates on action items across all goal areas; emergency preparedness, social-emotional supports, and communication.

Emergency Preparedness:

  • ‘Stop the Bleed’ Kits

    • Partnership with Coronado Fire Department

  • Cameras

  • I Choose My Future

Social - Emotional Supports:

  • DAG Committee Update

  • Sanford Harmony MOU

  • South Bay Community Services MOU

    • S.O.S.


  • RFQs for Communication Strategy (emergency contacts)

  • QPR Training

4.1: Establish an effective and efficient communication plan for CUSD ensuring consistent branding and messaging across all platforms.

On Tuesday, November 20th, Assistant Superintendent Salamanca and I facilitated interviews  with four communication strategists to outline areas of focus for the development of a CUSD Strategic Communication Plan. The objective was to pre-qualify respondents in order to participate / secure subsequent Request for Qualifications (RFQs).  

4.2: Establish ‘Budget Study Committee’ in partnership with ACT and CSEA.

CSEA (Ms. Maggio, Ms. Jones), ACT (Ms. Landry, Mr. Keller), and CUSD District Office (Mr. Salamanca, Mr. Mueller) representatives are meeting on Monday, December 17, 2018, to discuss the establishment of the CUSD Budget Committee. The team will determine structure, norms, frequency of meeting, and membership prior to setting date of the first meeting. These meetings will have standing participants (representatives from CSEA, ACT, District Office, and community) and will be open to the public.     
Financial Impact:
There is no financial impact.