Item Coversheet
AGENDA - June 7, 2018



7.1  Public Hearing on the 2018-2019 Proposed Local Control Accountability Plan  (Reports)

Background Information:
Education Code Section 52062 requires that the Governing Board of each school district shall hold a public hearing on the Local Control Accountability Plan to be adopted for the subsequent fiscal year.


It is recommended that opportunity be provided for public comment at this meeting through announcement by the President as follows:


"Now is the time and place for comments from the public concerning the District's 2018-2019 Local Control Accountability Plan.  Are there any comments?"

Financial Impact:
Holding of a public hearing carries no fiscal considerations.
LEARNING: Integrate personalized learning with assessment methods that will prepare all students for academic and vocational success:
1. Standards Aligned Core Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction, 2. ELL Performance, 3. Math Performance, 4. Personalized Learning, 5. 21st Century Learning Tools, 6. Professional Development for Staff, 7. Grading and Reporting System, 8. Develop/Implement High Quality Grading and Reporting System

COMMUNICATION: Communicate openly, freely and accurately to engage and involve all shareholders:

1. Shareholder Participation, 2. Service to Sites, 3. Informative Communication to the CUSD Community

SUPPORT:  Maintain safe and supportive schools where students and staff thrive:

1. Safe and Clean Facilities, 2. Annually Update Safety Plans, 3. Intervention Services , 4. EL and RFEP College and Career Ready, 5. Improve Attendance, 6. Decrease Suspension Rate at CMS and CHS, 7. Social/Emotional Supports
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CUSD LCAP - June 2018 Public Hearing5/31/2018Cover MemoCUSD_LCAP_-_June_2018_Public_Hearing.pdf