Item Coversheet
AGENDA - May 19, 2016




5.2  Adopt the New Secondary Mathematics Instructional Materials for Coronado Middle and High Schools  (Action)

Background Information:

Complying with Board Policy 6161.1, textbooks recommended for adoption by a textbook selection committee will be displayed and available for public inspection at the District Office.  The materials have been on display at the District and Coronado High School since the recommendation was brought forward to the Board on April 21, 2016.  Previous editions of mathematics instructional materials for Coronado Middle and High School courses are from 2004 and 2008.


At the recent March 3, 2016, meeting of the Governing Board, $300,000.00 from Fund 40 was approved in order to fund instructional materials, related curricular supports, and professional learning for all integrated secondary math courses, ensuring that the Instructional Materials set-aside in the general fund not be depleted and able to support the future purchase of instructional materials to meet preschool through grade 12 curricular needs.  The current balance of CUSD's instructional materials (set-aside in general fund) is $368,000.00 to be used for all preschool-grade 12 instructional materials for the foreseeable future.  There are no other secondary textbook/adoptions requests at this time.

See Attached Report
Financial Impact:

The total cost of College Preparatory Mathematics instructional materials for grades 6-12 is $189,095.40 from fund 40, which includes both transitional print materials and eight year e-book licenses as well as training/professional development and support.

Superintendent's Recommendation:

That the Board approve the adoption of the New Secondary Mathematics Instructional Materials for Coronado Middle and High Schools.



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Adoption of New Secondary Mathmatics5/11/2016Cover MemoAdoption_of_New_Secondary_Mathematics_Instruction_Report_-_4-13-16_(2).pdf